Welcome to Group Coaching Essentials with Potentials Realized. Founded by Effective Group Coaching author Jennifer Britton, we have been providing ICF-CCE advanced training in group coaching since 2006! Thanks for joining us. This website is dedicated to tools, resources and programs for coaches and other professionals wanting to expand their work to teams and groups, particularly in the area of Group Coaching, Team Coaching, Virtual Facilitation and Programs for teams and groups. We have offered Group Coaching training since 2006, and Team Coaching Training since 2010. We also offer coaching supervision and mentor coaching. As a "one stop shop" for group and team coaching we offer specialized consulting services to organizations, coach training schools and governments around building a coaching culture and scaling the coaching conversation to group coaching and team coaching. We have been a trusted advisor to dozens of organizations over the last 20 years from international agencies, to Fortune 50s, Top 100 Canadian employers and coach training organizations. Our progamming has been recognized with a Prism Award for Excellence in Coaching (2016), National Awards of Excellence for Curriculum Design (I4PL 2017), and founder Jennifer Britton was recognized with an Outstanding Individual Contributor award by ICF in 2022. Set up a call with Jennifer to discuss how we can support you and your organization. Join us for the 70 and 125 hour pathways of learning and certification in Team Coaching or Group Coaching (6 to 10 separate courses, most of which are CCE approved with the ICF). Coaches have been using them as part of their learning pathway for the new ACTC (Advanced Credential In Team Coaching). We also offer Coaching Supervision Groups for Team Coaches. Group Coaching Essentials was created by author and coach Jennifer Britton. Her first book Effective Group Coaching was the world's first book to be published on group coaching in late 2009. She followed it with From One to Many: Best Practices of Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013). More recently she's released Effective Virtual Conversations (2017), Coaching Business Builder (2018) and PlanDoTrack Workbook and Planner for Remote and Virtual Professionals (2019). Jennifer's 2021 body of work is Reconnecting Workspaces: Pathways to Thrive in the Virtual, Remote and Hybrid World (June 2021) and the accompanying coaching guide, The 90-Day Guide for Success (October 2021). You will also find links to the Reconnecting Workspaces Coach Certification program (24 CCEs), aimed at equipping coaches with the tools and ideas explored in Reconnecting Workspaces, and helping them specialize with support in the hybrid and remote world. At this site you will find information regarding coach training including:
We also offer a 70 hour and 125 hour Group Coaching Certificate or Team Coaching Certificate stream for those alumni who want to take their learning deeper. Known as a "Coaches Coach" Jennifer also provides individual and group mentor coaching for those working towards their ICF Credentials (ACC and PCC), as well as their Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC). You can find information about individual mentor coaching, as well as our Mentor Coaching Group (10 hour combination of group mentor coaching (7hrs) and 3 hours of individual mentor coaching). Jennifer also offers individual mentoring services for those building their own coaching business or those creating their own group and virtual programs (our Virtual Individual Mentoring VIP Days). We specialize in virtual program delivery and have done so since we opened our doors in April 2004. Jennifer delivered her first TEDx talk, Virtual, Remote and Hybrid Checklist in August 2021. Check it out here. Her second TEDx talk dives into the landscape of Team Coaching and is called Coaching Teams Through Chaos. You can view it here. In addition, you will find information on many of the programs we offer to the public including the Learning Lab and Design Studio (Annual Group focusing on all things learning), the Coaching Biz Growth Lab (annual group focusing on all things business growth).. Programs are led by Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRP, CPT, and her team. Jennifer founded Potentials Realized in April 2004. Potentials Realized is a Canadian-based performance Improvement company, dedicated to working with organizations and professionals around the world who are keen to deliver extraordinary work and impact. We are known for our work in the areas of group coaching, mentoring, leadership development and high impact, experiential learning. Jennifer is the author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, January 2010), the first book to be published on the topic of group coaching globally. Her 2013 book expands the focus to Coaching Many - From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013). Her 2017 follow up, Effective Virtual Conversations, widens the focus to creating MEMORABLE and IMPACTFUL conversations in the virtual space, for intact and remote teams. Her latest series includes two books in the Reconnecting Workspaces series - including the onboarding and reboarding resources of the 90-Day Guide for Success. One of Potentials Realized's core offerings is the Group Coaching EssentialsTM program, designed to support coaches in designing and marketing their own group coaching programs for clients. Offered since 2006, this program has benefited hundreds of coaches globally. Please note that the Group Coaching Essentials™ program is eligible for CCE's (Continuing Coach Education) Units from the International Coach Federation (10 CCEs). Some coaches go on to complete the Advanced Group Coaching Practicum, also approved for CCEs (10 CCEs), designed to provide coaches with more practice and feedback on their skills in group coaching. Virtual Facilitation Essentials is now approved for 8.5 CCEs, and the PlanDoTrack Facilitator Training is approved for 24 CCEs. ANNUAL PROGRAMMING - Join us throughout 2024! In addition to our ICF CCE approved programs Jennifer also offers two longer term group program supports for coaches. The six month AMPLIFY Mastermind is a comprehensive support in an intensive two quarter format. Blending bi-weekly mastermind calls, some 1-1 coaching support, on-demand programming, participation at our Coaching Biz Growth LAb and half-day quarterly retreats, this program is geared to support coaches who are ready to AMPLIFY themselves and their business in six core areas. Mastermindees also can attend two of our ICF CCE virtual programs (1 a quarter). The AMPLIFY Mastermind starts twice a year - May 1st and November 1st. Learn more and reserve your spot here. The Coaching Biz Growth Lab supports coaches who want to grow their coaching business and are ready to do this one day at a time! . This group meets on Fridays during the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month from 1130 - 1215 pm Eastern, supporting coaches who want to move the needle on their business. Jennifer incorporates a variety of business coaching tools and resources, including her 2018 book - Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner. The Learning Lab and Design Studio (LLDS) Group focuses on all things groups and teams. It meets the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month from 8 - 845 am ET ET. Practitioner focused, it creates an important pause for coaches and facilitators to stop, connect and be in dialogue about creating more impactful team, group and individual learning experiences (coaching, training and facilitation). Geared to support coaches, trainers and facilitators who want to expand their group and team programming skills, as well as boost their business. The LLDS is also a resource-rich portal, and community of exceptional practitioners, who meet for two group coaching calls on topics related to group and team programming (workshops, retreats, webinars) as well as one Facilitation Lab per month. In the Facilitation Lab members get the chance to experience a different facilitation tool each month. Members also have access to a wide variety of articles, posts, audios and videos from Jenn. Click here to learn more about this twelve month support. Jennifer is committed to providing resource rich tools for practitioners - coaches, facilitators, leaders and other professionals - who are leading group programs (workshops, retreats and group coaching). E-products include the Group Program Toolkit (33 Templates you can adapt for your programs), the Engaging Exercises for Teams and Groups E-manual, and the 40 Ways to Work with Visual Cards. We bring a solid track-record of working with entrepreneurs, organizations, groups and individuals across globally on issues including team building, business development, marketing and leadership development. We have created and delivered programs for governmental agencies, community groups, professional associations, corporations and the non-profit sector. Programs have ranged from the development of succession planning programs, to talent management and virtual team issues, to support for mentoring programs, using a coaching approach. We have designed programs for financial services, pharmaceutical, governmental, transportation, health care, and natural resource sectors. We have designed award winning Mentor Training programs for the Financial Services Sector. Our clients have included UNICEF, Cooperators Insurance, Ontario Provincial Police, Community Care Access Center, and the Toronto CFA Society. For more information about our other services, please visit www.potentialsrealized.com. We offer a range of programs in many different formats (Webinars, teleseminars, in-person workshops; individual, team and group coaching; in person and virtual retreats). We develop customized solutions for organizations and groups, across facilitation, training, performance, leadership development and succession management issues. Coach Training Schools: Consider using one of our books as a recommended or required book for your programming. Four of Jennifer's books are being used by different schools: From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching - For training around Team and Group Coaching Coaching Business Builder (2018) - for Coaching Business Building/Business Development Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) - for virtual facilitation, those supporting remote and virtual teams, in order to lead more engaging virtual conversations. Reconnecting Workspaces (2021) for coaches who are working to support organizations, teams, groups and individuals in the evolving virtual, remote, hybrid and flex workspaces. Are you looking to bring a program in house? We can deliver two programs in person to corporate groups, or coach training schools. Contact us regarding the Group and Team Coaching Intensive (2 days/19 CCEs) and the Facilitation Skills Intensive (2 days). These are offered as in-house programs. Contact Us: For more information on any of our programs or services, please contact Jennifer direct at (416) 996-TEAM (8326) or at [email protected]. We would be pleased to speak with you about your needs, and develop with you a customized solution. We look forward to hearing from you! Our CredentialsJennifer's Published Books:
Recent Articles, Books and Chapters Published:Coaching Education in Times of Change - Winter 2024/2025 - choice Magazine
Group and Team Coaching - State of the Union 3.0 - Winter 2023 - choice Magazine Reinvention of the Business of Coaching - 2022 - choice Magazine Chapters in The Great Book of Journaling: How Journal Writing Can Support a Life of Wellness, Creativity, Meaning and Purpose (June 2022) Transformational Journaling for Coaches, Therapists, and Clients: A Complete Guide to the Benefits of Personal Writing (June 2021) How Leaders Can Build Virtual Team Capacity, One Coaching Conversation at a Time. - Training Industry Magazine - May 2020. Read it here. Choice Magazine - Building a vibrant corporate coaching culture - Fall 2019 (Volume 17, Number 3). Download a copy of the article here - thanks to choice magazine Two chapters in The Practitioner's Handbook of Team Coaching, Clutterbuck et al (Eds). Chapters include: Chapter 2 - Coaching Many: Group and Team Coaching. Chapter 28 : Coaching Virtual and remote teams. How to get things done in a digitally distracted world - 4 Foundations for Time Management for Leaders and Business Owners. Coaching Tools Company September 2019. Read it here. 60 Day Business Builder Accelerator (On-demand)Daily Support through our Digital Card Decks on DeckibleNow available - The ACTIVATE Your Group and Team Coaching Superpowers -
LISTEN IN - PodcastUpcoming ProgramsCoaching For Change with Experiential and Creative Approaches Make Your Coaching Stick-ier. February 17th Half Day Workshop/Playshop online or in Barbados. 2 -5 pm ET. Early Bird Rate (Jan 26 - February 1). Part of the new Conversation Sparker Experiential Roadshow.
2025 Coaching Biz Growth Lab - Fridays biweekly 1135 - 1220 pm ET: Join us for daily steps and consistent action around your coaching business in 2025. We kick off on Friday January 10th! Set up a call with Jennifer to learn more.
Group Coaching Essentials - 10 CCEs - our flagship program - Mondays 12 - 130 pm ET February 10, 24, March 3,10 and 17 (5 weeks) with Evana Team Coaching Essentials - 14 CCEs - Mondays 9-1030 am ET: March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, and April 7, 2025 Coaching Diverse Teams and Groups - Course #5 in our pathway to ACTC - Fridays 10:05 - 11:35 am ET: March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 4 and 11, 2025. ACTIVATE Your Group and Team Coaching Superpowers - Course 4 in pathway to ACTC (CCE): Fridays 10:05 - 11:35 am ET: January 10 - end of February (no calls 2.14 or 21) - Course 4 in pathway Neuroscience, Learning and Experiential Approaches (14 RD) - Fridays 10:05 - 11:35 am ET starting again April 25 2025 for 6 weeks Mentor Coaching Group - Mondays 11 - 12 noon ET starting Jan 27th- 7 hours group calls and 3 hours 1-1 calls (Meets ICF ACC application, renewal and PCC needs) Coaching Biz Mastermind -AMPLIFY to June 2025Winter Intensives - our usual 5-6 week programming in 1-1.5 days (Virtually)
ACTIVATE Your Group and Team Coaching Superpowers - 14 CCEs - February 26 (full day) and February 27 (9 - 1 pm ET) - Wed and Thurs
Coaching Diverse Teams and Groups with the Work Styles - 14 CCEs - January 22 (1 - 4pm ET) and January 23 (830 - 430pm ET). Grow your Coaching Range Daily with the ACTIVATE DECK (on Deckible)Now Available - Conversation Sparker Charms -- order nowPathway to your ACTC - Advanced Credential in Team Coaching
We've been training group and team coaches in ICF-CCE approved training since 2006. Join us for 6 - 10 courses to complete YOUR 70 - 125 hours of specialized coach training for team coaches, PLUS join our coaching supervision groups for team coaches.
Download program schedule here (update Fall 2024) Take the Quiz - What's your Superpower as a Team or Group Coach? (2 minutes!)
Coaching Shorts™ 60 second soundbytes on Team and Group Coaching on YouTube
Upcoming Programs(Coaching Supervision Groups (10 hours) - Meets Supervision requirements for team coaches with ICF and EMCC. TUESDAYS 12 - 130pm ET 2nd week of each month during 2025
Advanced Group and Team Coaching Practicum (10 CCEs): Join us in February 2025 Program #3 in series. Take as part of the TRIFECTA - A with Team Coaching Essentials and Group Coaching Essentials. Building Your Toolkit with NLE-A-- The Neuroscience, Learning and Experiential Approaches of Group and Team Coaching - Building Your Toolkit : with Jennfier - Fridays 1005 - 1135 pm ET - starting last week of April 2025 (6 weeks) (Can be taken a la carte - No pre-requisites or as part of the QUAD. NEW -- Co-Coaching Essentials (#6) - intensive summer offering - August 7 and 8 (830 - 430 pm ET and 830 - 1230 pm ET day 2) - PRE-REQ is ACTIVATE. The new ACTIVATE Deck is recommended (with Jennifer) Mentor Coaching Group - OR Mondays 11 - 12 noon ET starting January 27 to end of April 205(with Jenn) Coaching Diverse Work Styles (Group, Team and Individual) - 14 CCEs Fridays 1005 - 1135 am ET: Late February to early April 2025 (5 weeks) Course #5 - note you can bundle with ACTIVATE -- with Jennifer Reconnecting Workspaces Certified Coach - 24 Hours: 3 Day offering in June 11 - 13 2024 - Muskoka Course #8 in series Virtual Facilitation Essentials (8.5 CCES): Contact us for dates Coaching Biz Growth Lab - Grow your coaching business one day at a time - Fridays from 1135 - 1220 pm ET on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month. Join us for the Reconnecting Workspaces Certified Coach TrainingPick up a copy...
Draw Your Future(TM) Facilitated Sessions with Jennifer (Group/Individual)![]() Become a PlanDoTrack/ Coaching Business Builder Facilitator (virtually) 24 CCEs |
- Welcome
- Certificate in Group Coaching
- Coaching Many Podcast
- Coaching For Change with Experiential and Creative Approaches
- Group Coaching Essentials (10 CCEs)
- Team Coaching Essentials (14 CCEs)
- Advanced Group and Team Coaching Practicum (10 CCEs)
- Card Decks and other Experiential Tools
- Strengths Coaching with CliftonStrengths
- Facilitation Skills Intensive
- Advanced Credential in Team Coaching (ACTC)
- Conversation Sparker Charms - NEW FEB 2024
- Neuroscience Learning and Experiential Coaching Approaches
- Certificate in Team Coaching
- Co-Coaching Essentials
- Coaching Superpowers/ACTIVATE
- CGBL: Coaching Biz Growth Lab (2024)
- Amplify Your Coaching Business Mastermind
- Group Coaching Blog
- Mentor Coaching Group
- Build Your Coaching Business
- Coaching Supervision
- Coaching Diverse Teams and Groups with the Work Styles (14 CCEs)
- Virtual Program Mastery
- Program Design - Signature Programs, Learning Lab
- Reconnecting Workspaces Certified Coach (24 CCEs)
- 21 for 21 Virtual Co-working
- For Teams
- Resources
- Speaking
- Coaching
- Coaching Skills Training for Leaders
- Become a PlanDoTrack Facilitator (24 CCEs)
- Virtual and Remote Team Support
- Draw Your Future
- Community Calls
- Our Team
- Year End Holiday Evants
- Speaking Follow up Resources
- Heart of Coaching
- INTENSIVE In Person Training
- Boxing Week 2023
- Welcome and Thanks For your Registration
- Leap Year Design Sprint
- Heart of Coaching 2024
- Group Coaching Giveaway 2024
- 2025 Business Booster
- Black Friday 2024
- Holiday Party 2024
- Heart of Coaching 2025
Looking to expand your impact with groups and teams as a coach?
We are a one-stop shop for all things groups and teams. From Books, to ICF- approved CCE programs, coaching supervision, to audio and print resources, we hope you'll enjoy your visit! We also offer the CliftonStrengths Top5 and 34 as a Gallup Certified Strengths Coach, and the Everything DiSC as an Authorized Partner
Visit our other sites