Join us this summer to work ON Your Business at the Coaching Business Builder Summer Camp
Two Streams:
Growing your Coaching Business
Team Coaching

A Summer Camp for Coaches!?!
Yup! You read that correctly!
Some of my favourite memories growing up took place at summer camp. Camp was a place to learn, experiment and grow. It was also about connecting with others and taking action. I actually loved it so much, I worked as a senior staff member for five summers. It was a big part of my baseline of becoming a masterful group and team coach.
So, this year, I decided to bring the camp experience to you! Potentials Realized is excited to announce our Coaching Business Builder Summer Camp! Join me virtually from the shores of Lake Simcoe (see photo) and the northern beauty of the Muskoka River for five weeks of learning and action!
CBBSC is 5-week virtual camp experience geared to coaches of all experience levels who are looking for a summer boost. This is an amazing opportunity for coaches like you who are looking to either build, expand or refine your coaching business, or who may need more support around business foundations like marketing, program design and productivity. In this virtual, collaborative group learning experience, you’ll be able to make new connections, learn from others, share ideas, try new things in a safe space, and learn more about yourself along the way!
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to dedicate small windows of time this summer to take action in boosting your business in five key areas – and Planning.
At the end of these five weeks, you’ll have taken action around key areas of your business to support it scaling with you and your clients. You’ll feel the relief from knowing you’ve got a plan, a better handle on your metrics, and you’ll have more clarity and confidence around your vision, focus and what you have to offer, and you’ll easily transition into a smooth autumn.
And best of all, no mosquito bites!! This is a fully virtual program (via Zoom) where you can learn from any space!
Just like camps have different activities, there are going to be two streams:
TEAM Coaching - For Coaches who are specialized in (or want to be specialized in) team coaching
Coaching Business Builder - For Coaches building their coaching business in a 1-1, group or team coaching
Yup! You read that correctly!
Some of my favourite memories growing up took place at summer camp. Camp was a place to learn, experiment and grow. It was also about connecting with others and taking action. I actually loved it so much, I worked as a senior staff member for five summers. It was a big part of my baseline of becoming a masterful group and team coach.
So, this year, I decided to bring the camp experience to you! Potentials Realized is excited to announce our Coaching Business Builder Summer Camp! Join me virtually from the shores of Lake Simcoe (see photo) and the northern beauty of the Muskoka River for five weeks of learning and action!
CBBSC is 5-week virtual camp experience geared to coaches of all experience levels who are looking for a summer boost. This is an amazing opportunity for coaches like you who are looking to either build, expand or refine your coaching business, or who may need more support around business foundations like marketing, program design and productivity. In this virtual, collaborative group learning experience, you’ll be able to make new connections, learn from others, share ideas, try new things in a safe space, and learn more about yourself along the way!
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to dedicate small windows of time this summer to take action in boosting your business in five key areas – and Planning.
At the end of these five weeks, you’ll have taken action around key areas of your business to support it scaling with you and your clients. You’ll feel the relief from knowing you’ve got a plan, a better handle on your metrics, and you’ll have more clarity and confidence around your vision, focus and what you have to offer, and you’ll easily transition into a smooth autumn.
And best of all, no mosquito bites!! This is a fully virtual program (via Zoom) where you can learn from any space!
Just like camps have different activities, there are going to be two streams:
TEAM Coaching - For Coaches who are specialized in (or want to be specialized in) team coaching
Coaching Business Builder - For Coaches building their coaching business in a 1-1, group or team coaching
Program Overview

Coaching Business Builder Summer Camp is combination of learning & action. Over the course of these 5 weeks, we will cover several topic areas, including:
Core Foundations for your Coaching Business
We start by going back to the basics of your business – we’ll look at your vision, values and what makes you unique. Just like in coaching, we’ll take stock of where you are now, and look at where you want to go, in creating the bold steps that are going to take you from here to there.
We’ll also be taking a pulse of where you are with your business with a comprehensive business assessment so you can choose one or two areas to focus on in our summer camp experience. This will help you create your own customized schedule for the summer (just like we did at camp!).
You and Your Ecosystem
As the business owner, you are one of the most important parts of the mix! What is important to you, and what are your strengths? We’ll be spending time looking at your unique ecosystem, your strengths and who you are connected with. Designing a business which suits your needs is key to long-term sustainability and often, profitability.
Systems for Scale, Ease and Flow
We’ll be doing a “systems check” of where you are in all core areas of your business – from finances, to client systems, marketing to communication. This will provide you an opportunity to build out your systems.
Programs and Products
Programs and products are often the backbone of any coaching business. Whether we offer just one-on-one work or have scaled beyond it, you’ll have the option to dedicate some time to program and product design.
Marketing and Visibility
We’ll spend more than a week exploring marketing and visibility, including how you can Stand Out Virtually or in the physical domain. We will explore your core message, the vehicles that drive spreading the word about what you have to offer and the elements of your brand that could be enhanced.
People and Collaboration
As coaches we don’t work alone. No person is an island. In this module we’ll explore the core people in your network and get a better sense of who you serve. We’ll also explore the topic of collaboration, supporting you in developing better partnerships.
Core Foundations for your Coaching Business
We start by going back to the basics of your business – we’ll look at your vision, values and what makes you unique. Just like in coaching, we’ll take stock of where you are now, and look at where you want to go, in creating the bold steps that are going to take you from here to there.
We’ll also be taking a pulse of where you are with your business with a comprehensive business assessment so you can choose one or two areas to focus on in our summer camp experience. This will help you create your own customized schedule for the summer (just like we did at camp!).
You and Your Ecosystem
As the business owner, you are one of the most important parts of the mix! What is important to you, and what are your strengths? We’ll be spending time looking at your unique ecosystem, your strengths and who you are connected with. Designing a business which suits your needs is key to long-term sustainability and often, profitability.
Systems for Scale, Ease and Flow
We’ll be doing a “systems check” of where you are in all core areas of your business – from finances, to client systems, marketing to communication. This will provide you an opportunity to build out your systems.
Programs and Products
Programs and products are often the backbone of any coaching business. Whether we offer just one-on-one work or have scaled beyond it, you’ll have the option to dedicate some time to program and product design.
Marketing and Visibility
We’ll spend more than a week exploring marketing and visibility, including how you can Stand Out Virtually or in the physical domain. We will explore your core message, the vehicles that drive spreading the word about what you have to offer and the elements of your brand that could be enhanced.
People and Collaboration
As coaches we don’t work alone. No person is an island. In this module we’ll explore the core people in your network and get a better sense of who you serve. We’ll also explore the topic of collaboration, supporting you in developing better partnerships.
The Camper Experience
Core Sessions
Every Monday we will meet as a group to explore the various core concepts, (see Program Overview). This will begin on July 11th and run consecutively for 5 weeks, ending on August 15th.
Specialized streams are geared to TEAM Coaching and also Coaching Business Development (based on your requests!)
A week in the life of CBBSC is so much more than weekly core sessions!
You will also experience:
Monday Deep Dive Calls
Each week, there will be a live Monday call, geared to get you into focused action. In the CBB framework, remember it's about "Daily Steps and Consistent Action = Momentum". Our Monday call will take a deeper dive into the weekly topic, which will be supported by additional on-demand content (which you can explore at your own time), and a weekly Q&A.
Special Business Boosters
Each week I’ll also be hosting a 45-minute special business booster, events those at our longer Coaching Biz Growth Lab have said have been some of their favorite parts of the program - like a Get it Done Afternoon, Quarterly Planning Sessions, Marketing Planning, Content Creation and Design Hacks. Live or on-demand (depending on your schedule) you’ll have access to 5 of these.
Any camper or counsellor knows that the most fun part of camp is actually pre-camp, the few days that lead up to camp. This summer I’ll be delivering these 4 exclusive sessions Monday June 20 to Friday June 24 to get us ready for our kickoff on July 12th. These will be 30-minute calls geared to get you into spirit of Coaching Business Builder Summer Camp! They’ll be delivered live, or you can also access them virtually.
Weekly Office Hours
I’ll be available for your business-related questions. Bring it or send it in advance and I’ll answer it. Starting Thursday July 7th and running into our final week of camp.
Evening Program
Once a week, I’ll be logging in from the splendour of the North, bringing you a special lakeside conversation. Short and impactful, we’ll look to slow down the pace, bring in a bit of nature, and some space for reflection. These will be held once a week in the evening
Every Monday we will meet as a group to explore the various core concepts, (see Program Overview). This will begin on July 11th and run consecutively for 5 weeks, ending on August 15th.
Specialized streams are geared to TEAM Coaching and also Coaching Business Development (based on your requests!)
A week in the life of CBBSC is so much more than weekly core sessions!
You will also experience:
Monday Deep Dive Calls
Each week, there will be a live Monday call, geared to get you into focused action. In the CBB framework, remember it's about "Daily Steps and Consistent Action = Momentum". Our Monday call will take a deeper dive into the weekly topic, which will be supported by additional on-demand content (which you can explore at your own time), and a weekly Q&A.
Special Business Boosters
Each week I’ll also be hosting a 45-minute special business booster, events those at our longer Coaching Biz Growth Lab have said have been some of their favorite parts of the program - like a Get it Done Afternoon, Quarterly Planning Sessions, Marketing Planning, Content Creation and Design Hacks. Live or on-demand (depending on your schedule) you’ll have access to 5 of these.
Any camper or counsellor knows that the most fun part of camp is actually pre-camp, the few days that lead up to camp. This summer I’ll be delivering these 4 exclusive sessions Monday June 20 to Friday June 24 to get us ready for our kickoff on July 12th. These will be 30-minute calls geared to get you into spirit of Coaching Business Builder Summer Camp! They’ll be delivered live, or you can also access them virtually.
Weekly Office Hours
I’ll be available for your business-related questions. Bring it or send it in advance and I’ll answer it. Starting Thursday July 7th and running into our final week of camp.
Evening Program
Once a week, I’ll be logging in from the splendour of the North, bringing you a special lakeside conversation. Short and impactful, we’ll look to slow down the pace, bring in a bit of nature, and some space for reflection. These will be held once a week in the evening
Rates and Dates - 2022
Ready to go back to camp?
Let's make this summer one that transforms your business as much as summer camp transformed us all back in the day!!
PRE-CAMP: June 20 - June 24 2022 (Open to everyone)
Mid-Year Check in - June 30th
1st Day of Camp Activities - Thursday July 7th with special Thursday Office Hours (Bring any and all of your questions to Office Hours)
Core Session Dates: Mondays July 11 - August 15 (no call August 1)
INCLUDES: Monday Deep Dive Calls, Special Business Boosters, Weekly Office Hours and Evening Program Lakeside Chats!
Fee: $997 US – Payable in 2 or 3 installments. This early bird rate is available until June 21st at the end of the 2nd day of Pre-camp
Bring a Bunkmate!
Camp is so much better with a friend! Special bonuses for those who bring a colleague or two!
Have more questions? Set up a call with Jennifer
See you there - Sign me up $997 US Early Bird
Pick up a copy of Jennifer's Books
Let's make this summer one that transforms your business as much as summer camp transformed us all back in the day!!
PRE-CAMP: June 20 - June 24 2022 (Open to everyone)
Mid-Year Check in - June 30th
1st Day of Camp Activities - Thursday July 7th with special Thursday Office Hours (Bring any and all of your questions to Office Hours)
Core Session Dates: Mondays July 11 - August 15 (no call August 1)
INCLUDES: Monday Deep Dive Calls, Special Business Boosters, Weekly Office Hours and Evening Program Lakeside Chats!
Fee: $997 US – Payable in 2 or 3 installments. This early bird rate is available until June 21st at the end of the 2nd day of Pre-camp
Bring a Bunkmate!
Camp is so much better with a friend! Special bonuses for those who bring a colleague or two!
Have more questions? Set up a call with Jennifer
See you there - Sign me up $997 US Early Bird
Pick up a copy of Jennifer's Books