Gratitude Giveaway - 3 Team and Group Conversation Sparkers
Are you looking to get a conversation going around gratitude with groups or teams?
Since 2014, we've been taking the Conversation Sparker cards out into the world, digitally and physically (and in the hybrid space as well!). As a long-time experiential educator and coach, I know how powerful a force conversations can be for groups and teams. For this year's Gratitude Giveaway, I am pleased to share three facilitated exercises you can download and use with any visual deck, including our Conversation Sparker Cards. Photos are a way to create new ideas and insights, and these instructions are easy to follow. Fill out the form to the right to receive an immediate download to the exercises - Acknolwedgements, Strengths and Closure. To pick up a digital set of the cards check out our Potentials Realized store, or use any photos or postcards you have access to. As a coach, writer and trainer I’m passionate about helping coaches, leaders, business owners and teams scale their conversations in the virtual space. Thanks for joining us! Questions or comments? Please reach out to Jennifer directly at [email protected] or (416)996-8326. |
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