"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." — Winston Churchill
What is your stance around key issues related to your business? Think clients/customers, themes, trends etc?
What do you take a stand for, no matter what?
What’s important to note about your philosophy as a business?
How often do you review/revisit and even question your stance on things? Consider the quote of this week.
In Focus – WHY
Businesses wield a lot of power, and as a founder or leader, it’s important to note WHAT you take a stand for. Just like a tree trunk our stance shapes each business uniquely.
Consider the ecosystem you’ll find in section 4 of coaching Business Builder. There is space for you to consider your stance. Your stance is metaphorically the trunk of the tree. Is it strong? Does it bend? What does it look like?
Initially as a business our stance may consist of one or two words, but as you grow and evolve as a business, what you take a stance around , or a stand for, often becomes very clear. Recently, as we move into our 20th year I wrote up the Potentials Realized Manifesto - which outlines our stance here and what we take a stand for. You can hear me share it as part of our 20th annual year-end programs call.
Click on over to learn more.
Take time this week to think about your business philosophies and stances. What topics/items would you go to bat for?
One additional doorway of insight into this can also be your Team and Group Coaching Superpowers. Each of the primary superpowers has a different stance around what's important. For example, the Spiral lighthouse coach is a stand for a safe harbour, while a Grounded Labyrinth coach will take a stand for pause, reflection and going inwards.
If you haven't taken the Team and Group Coaching Superpower Quiz check it out at https://bit.ly/gtcoachingsuperpower.
Check out Section 4 of the Coaching Business Builder
CEO, Head Coach and Author
Potentials Realized | Group Coaching Essentials
Leadership | Teamwork | Coaching
Contact: 1-416-996-8326
Email: [email protected]
Instagram:@ReconnectingWorkspaces @CoachingBusinessBuilder
TikTok - https://tiktok.com/@GroupCoach (check out our daily Morning Inquiry series as well as more resources for coaches)
Check out my latest TEDx talk – Coaching Teams Through Chaos at https://www.ted.com/talks/jennifer_britton_coaching_teams_through_chaos
Set up a call with myself or my team to learn more about how we can support you through our award-winning ICF CCE approved Coach Training programs – https://calendly.com/potentials-realized/group-coaching-essentials
Looking for a rounded program where you have connection, learning and individual coaching? Join us for the AMPLIFY Mastermind starting May 1 2024. AMPLIFY yourself in 6 core areas of growth for a sustainable business.