"In the world of business, the art of success lies in creating irresistible pull factors – magnetic forces that draw opportunities, talent, and prosperity toward your vision, turning possibilities into realities."
Question: Our vision is a pull towards where we want to go. Whether we are focusing on growth or opportunity it can be valuable to think about the pull vs the push. Where can you create momentum and its own energy instead of a pulling of all things?
In Focus – WHY
It’s important to have a pull factor in business, especially if things are “topsy-turvey” or are ever changing. Thinking about what’s going to pull you forward often involves:
- Connecting with your WHY? Why do you exist as a business? Why do you do what you do?
- Connecting into your FLOW
- Tapping into, and spending your time in what Gay Hendricks calls “Your Zone of Genius”
- What’s important for you to consider as a WHY for this work?
Resources to explore
- Part of our pull factor may involve leveraging our strengths, and doing more of those things that are in our natural inclination.
- If you have not yet taken the Group and Team Superpower Quiz, check it out at https://bit.ly/gtcoachingsuperpowers. Which of the 5 styles are you? To learn more about the 5 Superpowers, check out this video at our Effective Group Coach YouTube Channel
- Motivational factors – What motivates you as a business owner? Are you doing things to make a mark? Learn? Innovate? Serve others. Consider what motivates you to do your work and you may glean some insights around additional pull factors for you to keep doing work, and showing up, on a daily basis.
Creator of the Group Coaching Essentials and our 70 and 125 hour pathway programs for the ACTC or our internal Group Coaching Certification
Set up a 15 minute call to discuss your needs with our team
Register for Winter 2024 Training for Group and Team Coaches:
- Group Coaching Essentials (8.75 CCEs) starts January 22nd (Mondays) - with Evana
- Team Coaching Essentials (14 CCEs) starts March 4 with Jennifer
- Mentor Coaching Group for ACC/PCC starts Mondays at 11 am ET on January 29th (at 9 am ET) - with Jennifer
- ACTIVATE Your Group and Team Coaching Superpowers - Mondays 130 - 3 pm ET starting Jan 22nd (14 CCEs - course 4) - with Jennifer -- 2 spaces open
- Coaching Supervision - next call February 4 - with Jennifer and Kathy
- Coaching Biz Growth Lab (our annual group dedicated to coaching business development) meets again Friday January 27th with a Get It Done Afternoon Scheduled for Thurs January 26 (1-5 pm ET)